Not a hen



Visiting Andover Hawk Conservatory we saw this raptor lying down like a hen in the cage. I can´t find any picture of a sign in my stash so I don´t know which species this is. I often photogrpah signs when visitíng zoos as to remember what species the animal is, especially with birds that can be difficult to identify if you are not familiar with it. This one seems to enjoy the sunlight in its cage.  More critters at Saturday’s Critters and more winged pictures at The BIRD D’Pot .

Buzzard in Andover

I think this is a buzzard at Andover Hawk Conservancy, one of several that were flown in a group at their raptor show.

More critters at Camera Critters and Saturday’s Critters and more winged pictures at Wild Bird Wednesday and  The BIRD D’Pot .

 Update: Many thanks to Gordon who says in his comment this could probably be a red kite. I wasn’t at all sure when I looked at my pictures what it was and couldn’t remember what was said. Only I can’t see any dip in the tail that the kites I have photographed before have so I am still not sure. But I took another look at the buzzards it seems that their tail are longer.

Bald sea eagle in Andover

A symbol for the United States – the bald eagle – and not native to the United Kingdom. He or she has just returned to his handler at Andover Hawk Conservancy after an excursion in the wild. I am very impressed with the birds at the conservancy. They were allowed to take excursions and returned to their handlers during the raptor show. Several vultures and several buzzards were also shown flying in a group.

This eagle has a twin in Europe – the sea eagle – without a white head.

More critters at Camera Critters and Saturday’s Critters and more winged pictures at Wild Bird Wednesday and  The BIRD D’Pot .